Cviam::sdk::Motion::collision_specification::allowed_frame_collisions | |
Cviam::sdk::Board::analog_response | Represents the response received when reading the registered analog to digital converter (ADC). The range and conversion mechanism to voltage will vary depending on the specific ADC registered to the pin, though the min and max voltages and step_size can often help with this conversion. Consult your ADC's documentation and Viam's Board documentation for more details |
Cviam::sdk::API | |
Cviam::sdk::axis_angles | |
Cviam::sdk::box | |
Cviam::sdk::capsule | |
Cviam::sdk::ClientContext | |
Cviam::sdk::ClientHelper< ClientType, StubType, RequestType, ResponseType, MethodType > | |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::collision_specification | Used to selectively apply obstacle avoidance to specific parts of the robot |
Cviam::sdk::MovementSensor::compassheading | |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::constraints | Specifies all constraints to be passed to Viam's motion planning, along with any optional parameters |
Cviam::sdk::coordinates | |
Cviam::sdk::Credentials | |
Cviam::sdk::PowerSensor::current | |
Cdepth_map | Represents the dimensions and depth values of a depth map |
Cviam::sdk::DialOptions | |
Cviam::sdk::Camera::distortion_parameters | The distortion parameters of the camera |
CErrorCondition | Defines a set of a error conditions to be used in conjunction with Exception |
Cviam::sdk::euler_angles | |
Cviam::sdk::MLModelService::tensor_info::file | |
Cviam::sdk::RobotClient::frame_system_config | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< ProtoType > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< app::v1::ComponentConfig > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< app::v1::Frame > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< app::v1::Orientation > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< app::v1::Translation > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::Capsule > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::GeoGeometry > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::GeometriesInFrame > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::Geometry > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::GeoPoint > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::GetGeometriesResponse > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::Pose > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::PoseInFrame > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::RectangularPrism > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::ResourceName > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::ResponseMetadata > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::Sphere > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::Transform > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::Vector3 > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< common::v1::WorldState > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< google::protobuf::Duration > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< google::protobuf::Struct > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< google::protobuf::Timestamp > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< google::protobuf::Value > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::from_proto_impl< module::v1::HandlerMap > | |
Cviam::sdk::geo_geometry | |
Cviam::sdk::geo_point | |
Cviam::sdk::WorldState::geometries_in_frame | |
Cviam::sdk::GeometryConfig | |
Cviam::sdk::HandlerMap_ | |
Cstd::hash<::viam::sdk::API > | |
Cstd::hash<::viam::sdk::Name > | |
Cstd::hash<::viam::sdk::RPCSubtype > | |
Cviam::sdk::Camera::image_collection | Collection of images that were collected from a camera all at the same time |
►Cstd::integral_constant | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::all_moves_noexcept | |
Cintrinsic | The properties of the camera |
Cviam::sdk::Camera::intrinsic_parameters | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< T > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< bool > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< double > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< ProtoList > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< ProtoStruct > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< std::nullptr_t > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::kind< std::string > | |
Cviam::sdk::Arm::KinematicsDataSVA | |
Cviam::sdk::Arm::KinematicsDataUnspecified | |
Cviam::sdk::Arm::KinematicsDataURDF | |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::linear_constraint | Specifies that the component being moved should move linearly to its goal |
Cviam::sdk::LinkConfig | |
Cviam::sdk::Navigation::LocationResponse | Location and direction of the component configured with this nav service |
Cviam::sdk::MLModelService::metadata | |
Cviam::sdk::Model | Defines the namespace_, family, and name for a particular resource model |
Cviam::sdk::ModelFamily | |
Cviam::sdk::ModelRegistration | Information about a registered model, including a constructor and config validator |
Cviam::sdk::Module | |
Cviam::sdk::ModuleService | Defines the gRPC receiving logic for a module. C++ module authors can construct a ModuleService and use its associated methods to write a working C++ module. See examples under src/viam/examples/modules |
Cviam::sdk::motion_configuration | Defines configuration options for certain Motion APIs |
Cviam::sdk::proto_value_details::move_may_throw | |
Cviam::sdk::Gantry::movement_coordinate | A coordinate for moving a single axis of a gantry to a desired position at a requested speed |
Cviam::sdk::Arm::MoveOptions | Movement specifications for move_through_join_positions |
Cviam::sdk::Name | A name for specific instances of resources |
Cviam::sdk::obstacle_detector | |
Cobstacle_detector_name | Defines configuration for obstacle detectors by pairing a vision service name and a camera name |
Cviam::sdk::RobotClient::operation | |
Cviam::sdk::Options | |
Cviam::sdk::MovementSensor::orientation | Struct version of viam::common::v1::Orientation |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::orientation_constraint | Specifies that the component being moved will not deviate its orientation beyond the specified threshold |
Cviam::sdk::orientation_vector | |
Cviam::sdk::orientation_vector_degrees | |
Cviam::sdk::Navigation::Path | A user-provided destination and a set of geopoints to get there |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::plan | Describes a motion plan |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::plan_status | Describes the state of a given plan at a point in time |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::plan_status_with_id | The motion plan status, plus plan ID, component name, and execution ID |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::plan_with_status | Describes a plan, its current status, and all status changes that have occurred previously on that plan |
Cviam::sdk::Camera::point_cloud | The points and mime type of a point cloud |
Cviam::sdk::pose | |
Cviam::sdk::pose_in_frame | |
Cviam::sdk::pose_orientation | |
Cposition | Current position of the motor relative to its home |
Cviam::sdk::Encoder::position | Reported position |
Cviam::sdk::MovementSensor::position | |
Cviam::sdk::Motor::power_status | Information about power-state of the motor |
Cviam::sdk::Base::properties | Information about the physical base |
Cviam::sdk::Camera::properties | The camera's supported features and settings |
Cviam::sdk::Encoder::properties | Encodes the supported modes of this encoder |
Cviam::sdk::Motor::properties | Features that the specific motor supports |
Cviam::sdk::MovementSensor::properties | |
Cviam::sdk::Navigation::Properties | A set of attributes for this nav service |
Cviam::sdk::ProtoValue | Type-erased value for storing google::protobuf::Value types. A ProtoValue can be nullptr, bool, int, double, std::string, or, recursively, a vector or string-map of ProtoValue. This type is used at API/ABI boundaries for interfacing with grpc/proto code |
Cviam::sdk::quaternion | |
Cviam::sdk::Camera::raw_image | Raw bytes, mime type of an image, and name of the source that produced it |
►Cviam::sdk::Reconfigurable | |
CMyBase | |
CMyGizmo | |
CMySummation | |
Cviam::sdk::Registry | A registry of known resources |
Cgoogle::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField< typename > | |
►Cviam::sdk::Resource | |
►Cviam::sdk::Component | |
►CGizmo | |
CGizmoClient | |
CMyGizmo | |
►Cviam::sdk::Arm | An Arm represents a physical robot arm that exists in three-dimensional space |
Cviam::sdk::impl::ArmClient | GRPC client implementation of an Arm component |
►Cviam::sdk::Base | A Base is the platform that the other parts of a mobile robot attach to |
CMyBase | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::BaseClient | GRPC client implementation of a Base component |
►Cviam::sdk::Board | Represents a physical board with gpio pins, digital interrupts, and analog voltage reading |
Cviam::sdk::impl::BoardClient | GRPC client implementation of a Board component |
►Cviam::sdk::Camera | A Camera represents any physical hardware that can capture frames |
Cviam::sdk::impl::CameraClient | GRPC client implementation of a Camera component |
►Cviam::sdk::Encoder | An encoder is a device that is hooked up to motors to report a position |
Cviam::sdk::impl::EncoderClient | GRPC client implementation of a Encoder component |
►Cviam::sdk::Gantry | A Gantry represents a physical gantry and can be used for controlling gantries of N axes |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GantryClient | GRPC client implementation of a Gantry component |
►Cviam::sdk::GenericComponent | A GenericComponent represents any component that can execute arbitrary commands |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GenericComponentClient | GRPC client implementation of a GenericComponent |
►Cviam::sdk::Gripper | A Gripper represents a physical robotic gripper |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GripperClient | GRPC client implementation of a Gripper component |
►Cviam::sdk::Motor | A Motor represents physical hardware that controls the rotation of an axle |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MotorClient | GRPC client implementation of a Motor component |
►Cviam::sdk::MovementSensor | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MovementSensorClient | GRPC client implementation of a MovementSensor component |
►Cviam::sdk::PoseTracker | A PoseTracker represents a physical pose or motion tracking device |
Cviam::sdk::impl::PoseTrackerClient | GRPC client implementation of a PoseTracker component |
►Cviam::sdk::PowerSensor | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::PowerSensorClient | GRPC client implementation of a PowerSensor component |
►Cviam::sdk::Sensor | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::SensorClient | GRPC client implementation of a Sensor component |
►Cviam::sdk::Servo | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::ServoClient | GRPC client implementation of a Servo component |
►Cviam::sdk::Service | |
►CSummation | |
CMySummation | |
CSummationClient | |
►Cviam::sdk::GenericService | A GenericService represents any service that can execute arbitrary commands |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GenericServiceClient | GRPC client implementation of a GenericService |
►Cviam::sdk::MLModelService | Represents a machine trained learning model instance |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MLModelServiceClient | |
►Cviam::sdk::Motion | The Motion service coordinates motion planning across all components of a given robot.The Viam Motion planning service calculates a valid path that avoids self-collision by default. If additional constraints are supplied in the world_state message, the motion planning service will account for those as well |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MotionClient | GRPC client implementation of a Motion service |
►Cviam::sdk::Navigation | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::NavigationClient | GRPC client implementation of a Navigation service |
Cviam::sdk::ResourceClientRegistration | Defines registered Resource client creation functionality |
Cviam::sdk::ResourceConfig | |
Cviam::sdk::ResourceLevelServiceConfig | |
Cviam::sdk::ResourceManager | Defines a resource manager for use by anything that tracks resources |
►Cviam::sdk::ResourceServer | |
CGizmoServer | |
CSummationServer | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::ArmServer | GRPC server implementation of an Arm component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::BaseServer | GRPC server implementation of a Base component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::BoardServer | GRPC server implementation of a Board component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::CameraServer | GRPC server implementation of a Camera component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::EncoderServer | GRPC server implementation of a Encoder component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GantryServer | GRPC server implementation of a Gantry component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GenericComponentServer | GRPC server implementation of a GenericComponent |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GenericServiceServer | GRPC server implementation of a GenericService |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GripperServer | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MLModelServiceServer | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MotionServer | GRPC server implementation of a Motion service |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MotorServer | GRPC server implementation of a Motor component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MovementSensorServer | GRPC server implementation of a MovementSensor component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::NavigationServer | GRPC server implementation of a Navigation service |
Cviam::sdk::impl::PoseTrackerServer | GRPC server implementation of a PoseTracker component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::PowerSensorServer | GRPC server implementation of a PowerSensor component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::SensorServer | GRPC server implementation of a Sensor component |
Cviam::sdk::impl::ServoServer | GRPC server implementation of a Servo component |
Cviam::sdk::ResourceServerRegistration | |
Cviam::sdk::response_metadata | |
Cviam::sdk::RobotClient | GRPC client for a robot, to be used for all interactions with a robot. There are two ways to instantiate a robot: |
Cviam::sdk::RPCSubtype | |
►Cstd::runtime_error | |
►Cviam::sdk::Exception | Defines an exception type for the SDK |
Cviam::sdk::GRPCException | Defines an exception from a gRPC interaction |
Cviam::sdk::Server | Defines gRPC Server functionality |
►CGizmoService::Service | |
CGizmoServer | |
►CPowerSensorService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::PowerSensorServer | GRPC server implementation of a PowerSensor component |
►CSummationService::Service | |
CSummationServer | |
►Cviam::component::arm::v1::ArmService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::ArmServer | GRPC server implementation of an Arm component |
►Cviam::component::base::v1::BaseService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::BaseServer | GRPC server implementation of a Base component |
►Cviam::component::board::v1::BoardService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::BoardServer | GRPC server implementation of a Board component |
►Cviam::component::camera::v1::CameraService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::CameraServer | GRPC server implementation of a Camera component |
►Cviam::component::encoder::v1::EncoderService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::EncoderServer | GRPC server implementation of a Encoder component |
►Cviam::component::gantry::v1::GantryService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GantryServer | GRPC server implementation of a Gantry component |
►Cviam::component::generic::v1::GenericService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GenericComponentServer | GRPC server implementation of a GenericComponent |
►Cviam::component::gripper::v1::GripperService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GripperServer | |
►Cviam::component::motor::v1::MotorService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MotorServer | GRPC server implementation of a Motor component |
►Cviam::component::movementsensor::v1::MovementSensorService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MovementSensorServer | GRPC server implementation of a MovementSensor component |
►Cviam::component::posetracker::v1::PoseTrackerService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::PoseTrackerServer | GRPC server implementation of a PoseTracker component |
►Cviam::component::sensor::v1::SensorService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::SensorServer | GRPC server implementation of a Sensor component |
►Cviam::component::servo::v1::ServoService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::ServoServer | GRPC server implementation of a Servo component |
►Cviam::service::generic::v1::GenericService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::GenericServiceServer | GRPC server implementation of a GenericService |
►Cviam::service::mlmodel::v1::MLModelService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MLModelServiceServer | |
►Cviam::service::motion::v1::MotionService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::MotionServer | GRPC server implementation of a Motion service |
►Cviam::service::navigation::v1::NavigationService::Service | |
Cviam::sdk::impl::NavigationServer | GRPC server implementation of a Navigation service |
►Cviam::sdk::ServiceHelperBase | |
Cviam::sdk::ServiceHelper< ServiceType, RequestType > | |
Cviam::sdk::SignalManager | Defines handling logic for SIGINT and SIGTERM required by all C++ modules |
Cviam::sdk::sphere | |
Cviam::sdk::Board::status | This contains all of the values for all of the registered analog readers and digital interrupts that have been registered on the board |
Cviam::sdk::Motion::steps | An ordered list of plan steps |
►Cviam::sdk::Stoppable | |
Cviam::sdk::Arm | An Arm represents a physical robot arm that exists in three-dimensional space |
Cviam::sdk::Base | A Base is the platform that the other parts of a mobile robot attach to |
Cviam::sdk::Gantry | A Gantry represents a physical gantry and can be used for controlling gantries of N axes |
Cviam::sdk::Gripper | A Gripper represents a physical robotic gripper |
Cviam::sdk::Motor | A Motor represents physical hardware that controls the rotation of an axle |
Cviam::sdk::Servo | |
Cviam::sdk::MLModelService::tensor_info | |
Ctick | A board's digital interrupt |
Cviam::sdk::Board::Tick | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< SdkType > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< box > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< capsule > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< geo_geometry > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< geo_point > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< GeometryConfig > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< HandlerMap_ > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< LinkConfig > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< Name > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< Orientation > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< pose > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< pose_in_frame > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< ProtoStruct > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< ProtoValue > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< ResourceConfig > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< ResourceLevelServiceConfig > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< response_metadata > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< sphere > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< std::chrono::microseconds > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< time_pt > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< translation > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< Vector3 > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< WorldState > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< WorldState::geometries_in_frame > | |
Cviam::sdk::proto_convert_details::to_proto_impl< WorldState::transform > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< T > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Arm > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Base > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Board > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Camera > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Encoder > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Gantry > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< GenericComponent > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< GenericService > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Gizmo > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Gripper > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< MLModelService > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Motion > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Motor > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< MovementSensor > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Navigation > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< PoseTracker > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< PowerSensor > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Resource > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Sensor > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Servo > | |
Cviam::sdk::API::traits< Summation > | |
Cviam::sdk::WorldState::transform | |
Cviam::sdk::translation | |
►Ctrue_type | |
Cstd::is_error_condition_enum< viam::sdk::ErrorCondition > | |
Cboost::qvm::vec_traits< viam::sdk::Vector3 > | |
Cviam::sdk::Vector3 | |
Cviam::sdk::ViamChannel | |
Cviam::sdk::PowerSensor::voltage | |
Cviam::sdk::Navigation::Waypoint | A location with an id handle that can be used to uniquely identify and remove it |
Cviam::sdk::WorldState | |