Viam C++ SDK current
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Chash<::viam::sdk::API >
 Chash<::viam::sdk::Name >
 Chash<::viam::sdk::RPCSubtype >
 Cis_error_condition_enum< viam::sdk::ErrorCondition >
 Cdepth_mapRepresents the dimensions and depth values of a depth map
 CErrorConditionDefines a set of a error conditions to be used in conjunction with Exception
 CintrinsicThe properties of the camera
 Cobstacle_detector_nameDefines configuration for obstacle detectors by pairing a vision service name and a camera name
 CpositionCurrent position of the motor relative to its home
 CtickA board's digital interrupt